Tulsion? T- IRR ISO-9001/ISO-14001/OHSAS-18000 "高级"铁去除离子交换树脂介质 Tulsion? T- IRR 是一款高级的离子交换树脂介质。设计了更好的多空性架构和**的 催化性以去除溶解在地下水中的铁离子。 Tulsion? T- IRR 具有氧化性能,可以把铁转化为 3 价铁离子。形成的不溶铁离子会被 床体有效的拦截过滤,累积的铁屑会很容易在树脂床的反冲洗中除掉。因为树脂为颗粒 状,所以床体运行时的压力降很小。此种树脂对于PH 大于6.2 的溶液有更优的工作性能。 Tulsion? T- IRR 在日常的反冲洗后,有更强的交换能力和更大的交换容量。 Tulsion? T- IRR 根据进水的铁含量,给予平均低于 0.1PPm 的铁去除效果。 典型特性(TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS): Tulsion? T- IRR 物理形式/Physical form 黑色湿润球状/Black moist spherical beads 架构/Matrix structure 聚共聚物/Polystyrene copolymer 目数/Screen size USS 16 - 50 粒径/PArticle size(95%minm.) 0.3 - 1.2 mm 湿度/Moisture content 50±5% max 反洗稳定密度/Backwash settled density 670 - 710 g/l 耐热/Thermal stability 170℉/80℃ 溶解度/Solubility 不溶/insoluble in all common solvents Tulsion? T- IRR ISO-9001/ISO-14001/OHSAS-18000 操作条件特性(TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS): Tulsion? T-IRR 树脂床高度/Resin bed depth 800 mm 流速/Fow rate 10 - 14 BV 逆洗流速/Backwash flow rate 8 - 10 BV 逆洗时间/Backwash time 20 - 30 min 逆洗膨胀/Backwash expansion 40 - 60% 油和余氯/Oil & Free chlorine 无/Nil 操作温度/Operating temperature 40℃ max 测试(TESTING): Tulsion? T- IRR 离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187 和IS - 7330,1998. 包装(PACKING): Tulsion? T- IRR For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment. For further information, please contact:: Super Sack 1000 lit Super Sack 35 cft MS drums 180 lit. MS drums 7 cft HDPE lines Bags 25 lit. HDPE lines Bags 1 cft